Exhibitor Information 2024

Exhibit Times

Toronto Breast Symposium:
Thursday April 4, 2024
Breakfast, Lunch, AM and PM break (running coffee station)

Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Symposium:
Friday, April 5 – Saturday, April 6, 2024
Breakfast, Lunch, AM and PM break (running coffee station)


Exhibits will be on the second floor of the King Edward Hotel; please visit the University of Toronto Registration Desk for the location of your designated exhibit space at the time of set up (the desk will be open from 2000-2130 hours)

Toronto Breast Symposium:
Exhibit space will be pre-assigned. Set-up times are as follows:
• Staffed Wednesday, April 3, from 3:00-5:00 pm
• Unstaffed Wednesday, April 3, from 5:00-8:00 pm

Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Symposium:
Exhibit space will be pre-assigned. You may set up on Thursday, April 4, 2024, after 1700 hours. If you exhibit at both meetings, you will not have to set up again.

Booth Set-Up, Number and Poweroutlet
Your booth number has been forwarded to Robinson Show Services. Every booth will have a 6ft draped table, two chairs and one electric outlet; please remember to bring an extendable power bar.Additional carpeting will not be needed. Exhibitor floor is marbled and carpeted

Tear Down

Toronto Breast Surgery Symposium:
Thursday, April 4, 2024, no later than 1700 hours

Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Symposium:
Saturday, April 6, 2024, no after than 1600 hours

Exhibitor Name Badges

Please complete the Exhibitor Representative Form to ensure company representatives have their badges ready for pick up at the conference.

Please complete representative registration by Monday, March 18, 2024.

Shipping and Handling

You may choose one of the three alternatives:

  1. Contact – Robinson Show Services to assist you with your move-in and out.
  2. Ship all material directly to King Edward; please label boxes with the name of the conference and deliver them to the Vanity Ballroom Foyer.

    Company representatives will allocate and retrieve all shipped material from the hotel (address).

  3. Your staff may bring your booth material at the time of set up.